Here we come

Here we come
From our previous trip to San Diego in 2008 .- celebrating 40 years of matrimony

torsdag 8 april 2021

My Dear Your Fund payment!!!

My Dear,
This is to inform you that your Compensation Payment Funds worth the
sum of$1,200.000.00 MUSD delayed by Corrupt Officials of the Bank
Failures Act who are trying to divert your money into their Private

After a detailed review of your file funds, your Over-Due Compensation
payment Funds worth's $1,200.000.00 was approved and programmed into
Bank ATM visa Card which you can withdraw your money in any ATM cash
point machine worldwide.

You are therefore advised to contact director officer of the
Administrative Intl audit unit Mr. Paul Traoré with the bellow
information to receive your Bank ATM Card.

NAME MR.Paul Traoré
E-MAIL..( )
TelPhone number..+226 733 888 465

Kindly send him the following below information;
Full name:
Occupation and your scanned id

Mr.Charles Luanga

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