Here we come

Here we come
From our previous trip to San Diego in 2008 .- celebrating 40 years of matrimony

onsdag 30 november 2022

\ the Lord. Exodus 14 VS 14 says

From:Mrs. Deborah Corde

I'm 68 years old woman suffering from prolonged cancer of the breast, from
all medical indications my condition has really deteriorated and it's
obvious that i may not live for more than six months owning to the rapid
growth and pain that accrues to it. My husband died few years back and our
long years of marriage were not blessed with any child, after his death I
inherited all his wealth.

I come to you after prayed over it, I am willing to donate the sum of $3,
200, 000 for your work to help the poor, needy,and less privileged among
your congregations/society. Please note that this fund is deposited in a
bank where my husband worked. I will appreciate if you will give attention
to my request for propagating of the kingdom massage, i will provide you
with more details on how to proceed

I know you will ask yourself why you, is it legal or any risk because
we do not know each other
in my next mail, I will explain everything okay
Mrs. Deborah Corde

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