Here we come

Here we come
From our previous trip to San Diego in 2008 .- celebrating 40 years of matrimony

tisdag 15 juni 2021

The Power of SMS for Local Businesses

The Power of SMS for Local Businesses


Did you know that a ton of local business sales happen every week because of text messages?


It's true.
Whether its a dental patient confirming an appointment, a plumber answering a question from a concerned homeowner, or a Personal trainer answering a workout question for their client…


... a ton of small conversions happen every week because of something that was said in a text message from a potential customer who has the phone number of the small business owner and feels comfortable texting them.


The Trick is how they get their number…

 Most of the time, it's because they got it from a friend or are already a customer.


But some small businesses have gotten smart and realized how powerful it is to connect to their customers daily via text message. So smart in fact that they've starting going out of their way to give their potential customers their cell phones to text.


This week…
A powerful new plugin called "Text-Connector" launched that gives you the ability to turn any wordpress website into a local sale conversation machine.


Why does this plugin generate sales fast?

Because it connects a potential customer to a business owner/manager's phone so that they can get answers now (via text message).


Click here to check "Text-Connector" out now.

Talk Soon,


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United Kingdom

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