Here we come

Here we come
From our previous trip to San Diego in 2008 .- celebrating 40 years of matrimony

måndag 7 juni 2021

Dear Trusting Friend in The Lord.

Dear Trusting Friend in The Lord,

I am Mrs. Linda S. Arthur. I'm from Canada but my husband is an
Japanese origin, I m 58 years old and aging widow suffering
from long time illness. I have the sum of $17.5M For you to use the
fund for God's work. I found your e-mail address as a real Child of
for over a month now that I have been praying about you to know if
really you are working according to the direction of God so after all
my prayers I am convince, and I have decided to contact you, Please if
you would be able to use the funds for the Lord's work, with trust
reply me with this e-mail address: (

Yours in the Lord
Mrs. Linda Su. Arthur.

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