Here we come

Here we come
From our previous trip to San Diego in 2008 .- celebrating 40 years of matrimony

måndag 18 januari 2021

@Dear friend??

Dear Friend.

how are you today? It's been a little longer since last we
corresponded. I'm happy to inform you about my success in getting the
fund transferred under the co-operation of a new partner. Presently i
'm in Japan for business investment.

Meanwhile, I didn't forget your past efforts and attempts to assist me
in transferring the fund despite we couldn't reach a specified
conclusion/succeed. I am sorry for what happened all this while
because it got to a time when there was so much confusion that made me
loss interest in you about the transaction but I thank God today it is
over and was successfully transferred.

I want you to contact my secretary; the Name is Mr. John chucks
Email Address: (

I left with him an instruction to send you the total sum of
(US$m4.200.000.00) which I kept for your compensation for all the past
efforts and attempts to assist me in this matter.

I so much appreciate your efforts at that time even though thing
failed to work as planned. So feel free to get in touched with him and
I instruct him on where to send the amount to you. Please do let me
know immediately you receive it so that we can share the joy after all
the whole effort at that time.
I believe in resoluteness and as well hoping this compensation will
help seal the secret we once both shared. Feel free to get in touch
with him.

Your brother and friend,
Mr Lawrence Robert.

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