Here we come

Here we come
From our previous trip to San Diego in 2008 .- celebrating 40 years of matrimony

måndag 15 februari 2010

Finally reaching our destination

Anita and Peggy (My lovely cousin) outside the terminal in San Diego.
After a long day - 3:00am wakeup - waiting at the check-in counters - no etickets but manually printed papertickets both in Copenhagen, Amsterdam and LA and tight security check-ups in these places and an Immigration control in LA with fourfingerprint plus the thumb and photos taken. Being two travellers among all passengers from a crowded 747 Jumbo - that took some time and time was so short for us. Picking up our trunks and running from terminal 2 to terminal 5 (Faster than power-walking!) to get new manually printed tickets written and passing the new security check (Belts and shoes off) and finally reaching the aircraft which took off two minutes after our boarding (Puh! I think we consumed the same number of calories as an ordinary power-walk(!) :-).
Now we are happy to wear summer dresses and enjoying 20-22 centigrades :-)

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