Here we come

Here we come
From our previous trip to San Diego in 2008 .- celebrating 40 years of matrimony

måndag 26 augusti 2024

Re: Reply For Your Payment!

Attn: Beneficiary,

This is officially inform you as the legal beneficiary to this said fund US$20.5M has been registered on your name with U.S Dept of the Treasury and International Monetary Fund (IMF) including European Parliament and Asia Government to release your fund through UBA Bank as you reply this mail with below details, this $20.5m will be credited through ATM visa card and deliver to you immediately you Re-confirm below.

Department of treasury direct account will be process your payment of $20.5m and release to you all the necessary back up certificate and some of the vital information needed in regard to this transaction , UBA bank is the paying bank UBA will contact you as soon as all the documents release to them and release the fund to you.

1) Your full Name:
2) Your Full Address:
3) Phones, Fax and Mobile No:
4) Profession, Age and Marital Status:
5) Copy of any valid form of your Identification:
6) Your Bank details.

Meanwhile all legal documents will be release to you before your fund will be credit into your bank account.

Thanks for your maximum co-operation.

Dr Richard Douglas
Department Of The Treasury Direct-Account

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