Here we come

Here we come
From our previous trip to San Diego in 2008 .- celebrating 40 years of matrimony

tisdag 5 april 2022

Toothaches at Night: Treatment, Home Remedies, and Causes

Hi there,

If you′ve been fighting with tooth and gum problems, this email is for you!

Dentists all over the world have gone mad after a woman in Iowa posted a
shocking video in which...

She mixes coconut oil and THIS mineral to quickly fix her cavities

The video went viral and millions of people have already tried the trick
and enjoyed the extraordinary results.

Scientists at the Dental Study Institute in New Jersey have quickly run
some tests and CONFIRMED the mixture is legit and that it indeed
eliminates cavities in a very short time.

Click here to find out how you can prepare your own mixture and fix your
dental problems overnight.

Yours truly,
Mike Whisler


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