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Here we come
From our previous trip to San Diego in 2008 .- celebrating 40 years of matrimony

onsdag 15 september 2021

Bright Light On The Natural Health Horizon



Nature • Technology • Energy

Over the last few years, the advances in the use of light, frequency and heat to improve health, support the body and address conditions has hugely increased. Sometimes called Bio-Energetic Therapy or sometimes called simply Bio-Medicine, this evolving field of natural, holistic practice is gaining more and more support.


Amongst the modalities included in this field are Laser therapy, Red Light therapy, Near Infra Red therapy, PEMF therapy (Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Frequencies ), Rife Therapy, Hyperthermia therapy, Far Infra Red therapy, Magnetic Therapy, Toroidal Magnetic Therapy and Bio-Resonance. These, and several other similar therapies are garnering science papers, medical trials and great testimonials from both practitioners and public.

Whilst Bio-Medicine does not necessarily replace conventional drug or natural supplement remedies, feedback indicates it can greatly enhance them. In other scenarios some Bio-Energetic machines have enjoyed great success as a standalone solution.

Another reason for the growing popularity of this field of therapy is that, unlike some treatments or protocols, there are almost no side effects.

So why this success? All cellular life forms are created by energy. This energy can take the form of Light, of Frequency or of Heat. By tapping into cellular response to these mediums, various machines and devices have evolved which can simulate this energy.

For example, a Laser light therapy session, focused on a bruised part of the body, can support that area of the body in reducing its inflammation and restoring its normal function. A Rife therapy session, emitting a specific parasite frequency, can help the body eradicate that parasite. All Bio-Medicine therapies address issues at cellular level, utilizing energies that are the woof and warp of life.

With so many people today looking for natural solutions to health conditions, it is not surprising how this field of non-invasive treatment is gaining popularity. Bio-Energetic therapy can support the body in responding to many conditions. Amongst them:

Lyme Disease
Joint Problems
Cognitive Function
Nervous System Conditions
Lung Issues
Menstrual Problems
Some Forms Of Cancer

To find out more about any of these options, simply put the therapy name that interests you into your internet search engine and look for locations near you. They’ll be happy to help.

Alternatively for therapy machines visit or for therapy treatment enquire at

Everybody wants good, ongoing health and the recent advances in technology are drawing the world closer to this reality.

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