Here we come

Here we come
From our previous trip to San Diego in 2008 .- celebrating 40 years of matrimony

torsdag 13 augusti 2020

Please verify your thank you surprise from us.




Congratulations to our 3 winners of the brand new iPhone 11 pro (August 2020):
Leah Farber (London) | Gift sent on 9th August.

Klaus Eichelberger (Edinburgh) | Gift sent on 11th August.

Latest winner (United Kingdom) | This person has not yet replied (waiting for delivery information)

Please answer a few questions truthfully and receive your smartphone within 72 hours.



Continue to your iPhone 11

Package Information:

Apple iPhone 11 Pro


Regular Price: ₤1199

Today's Price: ₤0.00!

Shipping Cost: ₤1.00

Number of products available: 2


Your package is waiting for you on the next page. Have fun with it!

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