Here we come

Here we come
From our previous trip to San Diego in 2008 .- celebrating 40 years of matrimony

söndag 16 juni 2019

Ticket: #90608752: 16/06/2019 06:28:22

On 16_06_2019


This email is not going to take too much of your time, and so direct to the issue. I got a footage of you beating the shit out of your midget friend while at the pornpage you''re went to see, thanks to an incredible arse application I have been able to put on several internet sites with that type of content.

You press play and all cams and a microphone begin their work in addition it saves every fucking thing from your computer, like contacts, security passwords and crap such as dat, guess exactly where i have this e-mail from?) Therefore now i know who i will send out this to, just in case you aren't planning to compensate this with me.

I will put a account wallet address below that you can throw me 700 dollars within 3 days maximum via btc. See, it isn't that big of a value to pay, guess this would make me not that bad of a man.

You are welcome to complete whichever the fuck you want to, yet in case i will not see the total amount within the time period mentioned above, well.. u by now realize what may happen.

So it's your responsibility at this point. Now i'm not going to proceed through all the info and shit, simply ain't got time for that and also you probably know that web is overloaded with text letters similar to this, so it is also your final choice to trust in this not really, there is certainly only a proven way to figure out.

The following is the bitcoin address: 1MyLw9TYYTQerZhfBjjFC4JMJAmttW9DFQ

Have a great time and remember that clock is beating

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