"In the dark forests of the Old World, ruined castles are inhabited by the immortal aristocracy of the night. For centuries these evil creatures remain hidden within, biding their time until the world has forgotten that they even existed. Then, when the power of dark magic is at its strongest they call forth great armies of the dead from their graves and unleash them upon the mortal world." -- the Warhammer Vampire Counts Army Book
Printing the Counters
I hope some of you find these counter sets useful.You can print these at office printing places, like Staples, using heavy card stock paper printed at actual size. You can also print on regular paper and then glue the counters to wooden bases. (Check the older posts on how I did this with my Empire army.) Currently, I'm printing the counter sets at Staples using regular paper, spray gluing the back of each sheet with Super77, attaching each sheet to an old comic book backing board, and then cutting out the counters using a sharp Xacto knife with steel ruler. Using the backing boards makes for cheap, sturdy counters.
Click on the counter set image above to download the complete army counter set in PDF format. The set has enough counters to create many armies of 2000 points or less. Of course, if you need more counters simply print more copies!
Sample Vampire Counts Army Lists
Total Points: 2,000
10x Skeletons
4x Zombies
4x Ghouls
4x Ethereal Host
2x Black Knights
3x Dire Wolves
1x Vampire Lord on Winged Nightmare
3x Vampire
2x Black Coach
2x Necromancer
Total Points: 2,000
4x Skeletons
4x Zombies
2x Ghouls
2x Grave Guard
2x Ethereal Host
4x Black Knights
3x Dire Wolves
2x Fell Bats
1x Vampire Lord on Winged Nightmare
3x Vampire
2x Black Coach
2x Necromancer
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