Here we come

Here we come
From our previous trip to San Diego in 2008 .- celebrating 40 years of matrimony

torsdag 14 september 2017

Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13: Trainer +49 v1.0 -

Trainer options Numpad 1 - Add 100000 Gold -- IN BATTLE -- Numpad 2 - Infinite Troops Numpad 3 - Infinite Morales Numpad 4 - Infinite Food Numpad 5 - Gate Infinite Health Numpad 6 - Drain Gate Health Numpad 7 - Full Command Bar Numpad 8 - Drain Enemies Command Bar -- DUEL / PERSUASION -- Numpad 9 - Infinite Health Numpad 0 - One Hit Kill Numpad (.) - Max Command Point Numpad (-) - Drain Opponent Command Points -- CITY EDIT -- The following cheats apply to the city when you enter its information screen Ctrl + Numpad 1 - Add 100000 Fund Ctrl + Numpad 2 - Add 100000 Food Ctrl + Numpad 3 - Add 100000 Population Ctrl + Numpad 4 - Add 20000 Soldiers Ctrl + Numpad 5 - Add 1000 Business Stat Ctrl + Numpad 6 - Add 1000 Farming Stat Ctrl + Numpad 7 - Add 1000 Culture Stat Ctrl + Numpad 8 - Add 1000 Reputation Ctrl + Numpad 9 - Add 1000 Integrity Ctrl + Numpad 0 - Add 1000 Lancer Proficiency Ctrl + Numpad (.) - Add 1000 Cavalry Proficiency Ctrl + Numpad (+) - Add 1000 Archer Proficiency Ctrl + Numpad (-) - Unlock All Technology Ctrl + Page Up - Change Wealth (Ruin>Low>Mid>High) -- CHARACTER -- After Enter character information screen, the following cheats will apply on the character that you're viewing. Friendship cheats will apply to the character after you enter the "personal" tab. Alt + Numpad 1 - Add 10 Leadership Alt + Numpad 2 - Add 10 Power Alt + Numpad 3 - Add 10 Intelligence Alt + Numpad 4 - Add 10 Politic Alt + Numpad 5 - Add 10 Loyalty Alt + Numpad 6 - Add 5000 Contribution Alt + Numpad 7 - All Skill Level Max Alt + Numpad 8 - Lancer Adaptability (C>B>A>S) Alt + Numpad 9 - Cavalry Adaptability (C>B>A>S) Alt + Numpad 0 - Archer Adaptability (C>B>A>S) Alt + Numpad (.) - Body State (Normal>Ill>Injured) Alt + Numpad (+) - Personality (Careful>Coll-headed>Courageous>Reckless) Alt + Page Up - Increase 10 Friendship Alt + Page Down - Decrease 10 Friendship Alt + Q - Like Equipment (Yes/No) Alt + W - Like Book (Yes/No) Alt + E - Like Treasure (Yes/No) Alt + R - Alcoholic (None>Mid>High) Alt + T - Greed (None>Normal>Greedy) Alt + Y - Friend (None>Don't Care>Normal>Important>Most Important) Alt + U - Courage (None>Don't Care>Normal>Important>Most Important) Alt + I - Talent (None>Don't Care>Normal>Important>Most Important) Alt + O - Change Battle Skill Home - Disable All Short Documentaries

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