Here we come

Here we come
From our previous trip to San Diego in 2008 .- celebrating 40 years of matrimony

torsdag 30 april 2020

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onsdag 29 april 2020

Förebygg problem med prostatan med ProstaCare


måndag 27 april 2020

🎲 Beginning of trip to Vegas🍹🍾

 🎰 Have you been dreaming about a trip to Las Vegas? 🎰 tcv

söndag 26 april 2020

Skydda dig själv mot Covid-19

Hacking PayPal's Express Checkout

Do you know what is happening in the background when you buy something in an online shop using PayPal?

In this post we will tackle the following problems:
  • How can PayPal's API be tested?
  • How does PayPal's Express Checkout work? You can find the detailed report here.
  • How can we debit more money than authorized?

How PayPal's API can be tested?

PayPal's Sandbox API

PayPal offers a feature called PayPal Sandbox Accounts, which mimics the production API. The basic idea is that a normal user/shop can test the API and make transactions without actually transferring money. This is the perfect tool for developers to test their API integration.

Access to all messages

The next question is how to get access to all messages. All browser-related messages can be inspected, intercepted, and modified via BurpSuite. The main problem here is how to get access to the server-to-server exchanged messages: the messages exchanged between PayPal and a shop. In order to solve this problem, we deployed our own shop. For this purpose we used Magento, which already has a PayPal integration.
Once we have our own controlled shop, we can enforce Magento to send all request through a proxy.
In the following picture you can see our setup.

Test suite for analyzing PayPal's API [1]

In order to capture the traffic between our Magento hhop and PayPal we proceeded as follows:
  • We configured Magento to use a proxy running on localhost:8081.
  • We connected the proxy port on the virtual machine with our local machine via SSH remote port forwarding by issuing the following command
    ssh -N -R 8081: localhost :8081 <IP of Magento shop>
  • We configured BurpSuite running on our local machine to listen on Port 8081 for incoming requests.
Now, we were able to see the entire traffic.
Please note that we uses our own, custom Magento shop in order to be able to test Paypal's API.

PayPal's Express Checkout

An overview of the checkout procedure is depicted in the following:

PayPal's Express Checkout [2]

Step 1: Magento tells the PayPal API where to redirect the user after authorizing the transaction via the parameter RETURNURL and requests a token for this transaction.
Step 2: The PayPal API provides Magento with the token.
Step 3: Magento redirects the user to PayPal's website. The redirect contains the token from the previous step.
Step 4:  The user authorizes the transaction. As a result, he will be redirected back to Magento (RETURNURL) with the token.
Step 5: Magento issues a request to the PayPal API to get the transaction details.

Step 6: Magento signals the PayPal API to execute the transaction.

Step 7: Magento serves the success page.

A more detailed view of the protocol and all parameters is shown on page 16 in the full version. We will concentrate only on step 6 and the parameters relevant for the attack.

The Attack

The goal of the attack is to let a shop (in our case Magento) debit more money than authorized by the PayPal user. The core of the attack is Step 6 -- DoExpressCheckoutPayment. Let's get a deeper look at this message:

Magento can raise the authorized amount and debit more money from the user's account

  • The shop sends the token, which was issued in the first step of the protocol and identifies uniquely the transaction through all steps. 
  • The PayerID referring to the user that authorized the payment.
  • The AMT defining the amount, which will be transferred.
  • The API Credentials authenticating Magento on PayPal.
  • The Version pointing to the release number of the API.

As one can imagine, the core problem we found was the change of the AMT parameter. This value can be freely chosen by the shop, despite the fact that the user has authorized a different amount.

We tested only the SandBox API, but refused to test the production API in order to avoid problems. We promptly contacted PayPal's security team and described the problem hoping that PayPal can and will test the production API against the attack.

The response of PayPal can be summarized as follows:
  • We don't get any BugBounty since we only tested the Sanbox API. (Fair enough)
  • In the Production API PayPal this flexibility is a wanted feature. Thus, PayPal allows a merchant to charge for shipping and/or other expenses different amounts. Any malicious behavior can be detected by PayPal. In case of fraudulent charges the consumer are protected by the Buyer Protection policy.
... but the Sandbox API was nevertheless fixed.

Authors of this Post

Daniel Hirschberger
Vladislav Mladenov
Christian Mainka (@CheariX)

[1] BurpSuite Logo
[2] PayPal Express CheckoutRead more

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lördag 25 april 2020

Vsftpd Backdoor - Ekoparty Prectf - Amn3S1A Team

It's a 32bits elf binary of some version of vsftpd, where it have been added a backdoor, they don't specify is an authentication backdoor, a special command or other stuff.

I started looking for something weird on the authentication routines, but I didn't found anything significant in a brief period of time, so I decided to do a bindiff, that was the key for locating the backdoor quickly. I do a quick diff of the strings with the command "strings bin | sort -u" and "vimdiff" and noticed that the backdoored binary has the symbol "execl" which is weird because is a call for executing elfs, don't needed for a ftp service, and weird that the compiled binary doesn't has that symbol.

Looking the xrefs of "execl" on IDA I found that code that is a clear backdoor, it create a socket, bind a port and duplicate the stdin, stdout and stderr to the socket and use the execl:

There are one xrefs to this function, the function that decides when trigger that is that kind of systems equations decision:

The backdoor was not on the authentication, it was a special command to trigger the backdoor, which is obfuscated on that systems equation, it was no needed to use a z3 equation solver because is a simple one and I did it by hand.

The equation:
cmd[0] = 69
cmd[1] = 78
cmd[1] + cmd[2] = 154
cmd[2] + cmd[3] = 202
cmd[3] + cmd[4] = 241
cmd[4] + cmd[5] = 233
cmd[5] + cmd[6] = 217
cmd[6] + cmd[7] = 218
cmd[7] + cmd[8] = 228
cmd[8] + cmd[9] = 212
cmd[9] + cmd[10] = 195
cmd[10] + cmd[11] = 195
cmd[11] + cmd[12] = 201
cmd[12] + cmd[13] = 207
cmd[13] + cmd[14] = 203
cmd[14] + cmd[15] = 215
cmd[15] + cmd[16] = 235
cmd[16] + cmd[17] = 242

The solution:
cmd[0] = 69
cmd[1] = 75
cmd[2] = 79
cmd[3] = 123
cmd[4] = 118
cmd[5] = 115
cmd[6] = 102
cmd[7] = 116
cmd[8] = 112
cmd[9] = 100
cmd[10] = 95
cmd[11] = 100
cmd[12] = 101
cmd[13] = 106
cmd[14] = 97                    
cmd[15] = 118
cmd[16] = 117
cmd[17] = 125

The flag:

The binary:

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Vulcan DoS Vs Akamai

In the past I had to do several DoS security audits, with múltiples types of tests and intensities. Sometimes several DDoS protections were present like Akamai for static content, and Arbor for absorb part of the bandwith.

One consideration for the DoS/DDoS tools is that probably it will loss the control of the attacker host, and the tool at least has to be able to stop automatically with a timeout, but can also implement remote response checks.

In order to size the minimum mbps needed to flood a service or to retard the response in a significant amount of time, the attacker hosts need a bandwith limiter, that increments in a logarithmic way up to a limit agreed with the customer/isp/cpd.

There are DoS tools that doesn't have this timeouts, and bandwith limit based on mbps, for that reason I have to implement a LD_PRELOAD based solution: bwcontrol

Although there are several good tools for stressing web servers and web aplications like apache ab, or other common tools used for pen-testing, but I also wrote a fast web flooder in c++ named wflood.

As expected the most effective for taking down the web server are the slow-loris, slow-read and derivatives, few host were needed to DoS an online banking. 
Remote attacks to database and highly dynamic web content were discarded, that could be impacted for sure.

I did another tool in c++ for crafting massive tcp/udp/ip malformed packets, that impacted sometimes on load balancers and firewalls, it was vulcan, it freezed even the firewall client software.

The funny thing was that the common attacks against Akamai hosts, where ineffective, and so does the slow-loris family of attacks, because are common, and the Akamai nginx webservers are well tunned. But when tried vulcan, few intensity was enough to crash Akamai hosts.

Another attack vector for static sites was trying to locate the IP of the customer instead of Akamai, if the customer doesn't use the Akamai Shadow service, it's possible to perform a HTTP Host header scan, and direct the attack to that host bypassing Akamai.

And what about Arbor protection? is good for reducing the flood but there are other kind of attacks, and this protection use to be disabled by default and in local holidays can be a mess.

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