Here we come

Here we come
From our previous trip to San Diego in 2008 .- celebrating 40 years of matrimony

torsdag 28 februari 2019

The 3 Deadliest MYTHS About Erectile Dysfunction.

Hi There,
The long-awaited, all-natural cure for ED has finally been discovered…
I could barely believe it myself, until I watched this short (and eye-opening) video:
I must urge you to click that link and watch it NOW, because that website
could be GONE from the internet tomorrow…for shocking reasons you’ll learn in a moment.
(Let’s just say the $4.9 billion pharmaceutical industry does NOT want
this secret going public, because it will WRECK their profits…)
Just click that link,
And how to instantly and permanently “reverse” your ED so that you can achieve bulging,
rock-hard erections on command, without pills, pumps or injections.
To discover more about how this can cure your ED and save your sex life,
To reclaiming your manhood,
James Mcguire


tisdag 26 februari 2019


Halifax bank PLC on behalf of UNICEF have released your Charity cash
transfer of 76,000,000$ to assist the less privilege and charity
organizations of your choice for a 30% compensation.

Indicate if you are interested in handling this reputable charity project
by providing your Identity & details to this email to commence
this project.


How Adult Film Stars Stay Hard For Hours (WITHOUT Drugs)
Hi There,
The long-awaited, all-natural cure for ED has finally been discovered…
I could barely believe it myself, until I watched this short (and eye-opening) video:
I must urge you to click that link and watch it NOW, because that website
could be GONE from the internet tomorrow…for shocking reasons you’ll learn in a moment.
(Let’s just say the $4.9 billion pharmaceutical industry does NOT want
this secret going public, because it will WRECK their profits…)
Just click that link,
And how to instantly and permanently “reverse” your ED so that you can achieve bulging,
rock-hard erections on command, without pills, pumps or injections.
To discover more about how this can cure your ED and save your sex life,
To reclaiming your manhood,
James Mcguire


56 y. o. Geography Teacher Humiliates Power Companies

You won’t believe what just happened:
A shocking global decision was taken at Bruxelles and there is no way back …
Rumors say Green Energy will become the only real currency by 2025.
This „average Joe” from Memphis Tennessee figured out how to harvest this currency from nothing and become truly independent.
Just make sure you watch it with the door locked and with the sound turned down...
I must admit, as a true Christian and Patriot this video really sent shivers down my spine...
Plus, more than 37,230 people have already taken advantage of it…
So grab yours now while it's still out there... and prepare to learn something amazing!
Best Regards,
James Albert Canuy


måndag 25 februari 2019

Re: Rumors say Green Energy will become the only real currency by 2025

Hello friend,

The news is spreading like wildfire.
TV reporters are trying to find outmore
details about it,but few know about this video:

Rumors say it’s a new source of energy (some even think
it’s the second biggest source of energy after the SUN...)

Watch this! ==}}

Richard R. Smith

Sponsor Ads:
Make Sure Your Vision is Perfect To Watch This!!

Richard R. Smith
4832 Stiles Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15226

You can unsubscribe below

söndag 24 februari 2019

Få ett presentkort till Jysk värt 10.000 kr

Vi ger bort ett begränsat antal Jysk gåvokort

Nu har du chansen att få ett gåvokort till Jysk värt 10.000 kr.

Det är kostnadsfritt att tävla och allt du behöver göra är att fylla i dina detaljer och svara på några enkla frågor så har du chansen.

Ta chansen här

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lördag 23 februari 2019

Låna upp till 600 000kr – du får besked samma dag

Søk på lån fra 10 000 til 500 000 kr
Om du har dyre smålån og kredittkort så kan du trolig senke dine månedskostander gjennom å samle alt i et lån med lavere rente.
Samle lån og kredittkortgjeld opp til 500 000 kr – Det er dumt å betale for mye i rente hver måned til banker og kredittinstitusjoner
Søk her!
                                                                                                                                                  Unsubscribe me from this list

Powered by  Hairyspire

fredag 22 februari 2019

restored your eyesight to near 20/20 perfection in less than 3 weeks

Discovery that not only saved my wife from certain blindness,
but restored her eyesight to near 20/20 perfection in less than
3 weeks, enabling her to enjoy a level of clarity and
sharpness she hasn’t experienced since she was a child.

Check here!!

Copy Paste in your Browser: >>


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wish to be remove in my list please reply here and put
remove in the subject thank you and have a great day.

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GONE from the internet tomorrow…for shocking reasons
Hi There,
The long-awaited, all-natural cure for ED has finally been discovered…
I could barely believe it myself, until I watched this short (and eye-opening) video:
I must urge you to click that link and watch it NOW, because that website
could be GONE from the internet tomorrow…for shocking reasons you’ll learn in a moment.
(Let’s just say the $4.9 billion pharmaceutical industry does NOT want
this secret going public, because it will WRECK their profits…)
Just click that link,
And how to instantly and permanently “reverse” your ED so that you can achieve bulging,
rock-hard erections on command, without pills, pumps or injections.
To discover more about how this can cure your ED and save your sex life,
To reclaiming your manhood,
James Mcguire


onsdag 20 februari 2019

56 y. o. Geography Teacher Humiliates Power Companies

Hey There,
You won’t believe what just happened:
This crazy 56 year-old geography teacher in Memphis, Tennessee
believed he can change the energy world... and somehow he did it.
News travels around fast on the Internet.
This guy shows us clear as day how anyone can power with ZERO cost
any light bulb in their homes.
This discovery has the potential to free yourself from
the ever-rising costs and change the course of the electric industry.
I think you deserve to see it:
Speak soon!
James Albert Canuy


Få ett presentkort till Jysk värt 10.000 kr

Vi ger bort ett begränsat antal Jysk gåvokort

Nu har du chansen att få ett gåvokort till Jysk värt 10.000 kr.

Det är kostnadsfritt att tävla och allt du behöver göra är att fylla i dina detaljer och svara på några enkla frågor så har du chansen.

Ta chansen här

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Få ett presentkort till Jysk värt 10.000 kr

Vi ger bort ett begränsat antal Jysk gåvokort

Nu har du chansen att få ett gåvokort till Jysk värt 10.000 kr.

Det är kostnadsfritt att tävla och allt du behöver göra är att fylla i dina detaljer och svara på några enkla frågor så har du chansen.

Ta chansen här

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tisdag 19 februari 2019

Breakthrough in Electric Car Technology Powers An Entire Home

Rumours say Trump called a secret emergency meeting at
the White House after learning about this weirdo device.
Electric companies have already gathered an army of lawyers
to take it down.
I'm not sure if you aware or not... but the information on
this website I'm about to share with you today
will change American lives forever:
Never again pay a single cent to the big energy moguls
with this simple, yet efficient "gizmo"... and be among the
select 2% of the population that has already stepped
into the new free energy era.
Speak soon!
James Albert Canuy
P.S. I really recommend you stop what you're doing right now
and watch this short presentation. I don't know how much
longer they can leave it up.


Få 10000kr presentkort till IKEA för bara 10kr.

Kära ,

Få IKEA presentkort i dag.

20 konsumenter från hela landet har blivit utvalda i vår generösa undersökning.
Få 10000kr presentkort till IKEA för bara 10kr.
Bekräfta här!

Dom fyra nyaste lyckligt lottade personerna i våran undersökning:

%%First Name%% %%emailaddress%%
Ej bekräftat - Bekräfta nu

Björn Eliasson -
Bekräftade för 15 sekunder sedan

Anne Holm Nielsen -
Bekräftat för 43 minuter sedan

Gudrun Lilja Westman -
Bekräftat för 58 minuter sedan
unsubscribe Here

Utvärdera nya Kitchen Aid och behåll den

Vad sägs om att bli testperson för en Kitchen Aid köksmaskin och behålla den?

Vad sägs om att bli testperson för en Kitchen Aid köksmaskin och behålla den?

Vi söker totalt 30 personer som kan testa den bästa Kitchen Aid-maskinen hittills.

De utvalda testpersonerna får som tack en Kitchen Aid utan kostnad.

Läs här hur du kan bli med i vår testpanel

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måndag 18 februari 2019

The decision to suspend your account. Waiting for payment.

I'll begin with the most important.

I hacked your device and then got access to all your accounts... Including
It is easy to check - I wrote you this email from your account.

Moreover, I know your intim secret, and I have proof of this.
You do not know me personally, and no one paid me to check you.

It is just a coincidence that I discovered your mistake.
In fact, I posted a malicious code (exploit) to an adult site, and you visited this site...

While watching a video Trojan virus has been installed on your device through an exploit.
This darknet software working as RDP (remote-controlled desktop), which has a keylogger,
which gave me access to your microphone and webcam.
Soon after, my software received all your contacts from your messenger, social network and email.

At that moment I spent much more time than I should have.
I studied your love life and created a good video series.
The first part shows the video that you watched,
and the second part shows the video clip taken from your webcam (you are doing inappropriate things).

Honestly, I want to forget all the information about you and allow you to continue your daily life.
And I will give you two suitable options. Both are easy to do.
First option: you ignore this email.
The second option: you pay me $750(USD).

Let's look at 2 options in detail.

The first option is to ignore this email.
Let me tell you what happens if you choose this path.
I will send your video to your contacts, including family members, colleagues, etc.
This does not protect you from the humiliation that you and
your family need to know when friends and family members know about your unpleasant details.

The second option is to pay me. We will call this "privacy advice."
Now let me tell you what happens if you choose this path.
Your secret is your secret. I immediately destroy the video.
You continue your life as if none of this has happened.

Now you might think: "I'll call to police!"
Undoubtedly, I have taken steps to ensure that this letter cannot be traced to me,
and it will not remain aloof from the evidence of the destruction of your daily life.
I don't want to steal all your savings.
I just want to get compensation for my efforts that I put in to investigate you.
Let us hope that you decide to create all this in full and pay me a fee for confidentiality.
You make a Bitcoin payment (if you don't know how to do it, just enter "how to buy bitcoins" in Google search)

Shipping amount: $750(USD).
Getting Bitcoin Addresses: 13Xp4WMQ4JvNzYfHTzxr6yny1kiQSMRNkn
(This is sensitive, so copy and paste it carefully)

Don't tell anyone what to use bitcoins for. The procedure for obtaining bitcoins can take several days, so do not wait.

I have a spetial code in Trojan, and now I know that you have read this letter.
You have 48 hours to pay.
If I don't get BitCoins, I'll send your video to your contacts, including close relatives, co-workers, and so on.
Start looking for the best excuse for friends and family before they all know.
But if I get paid, I immediately delete the video.

This is a one-time offer that is non-negotiable, so do not waste my and your time.
Time is running out.


The #1 “Weird” Trick To CURE Erectile Dysfunction (Use It Tonight)

Hi There,
The long-awaited, all-natural cure for ED has finally been discovered…
I could barely believe it myself, until I watched this short (and eye-opening) video:
I must urge you to click that link and watch it NOW, because that website
could be GONE from the internet tomorrow…for shocking reasons you’ll learn in a moment.
(Let’s just say the $4.9 billion pharmaceutical industry does NOT want
this secret going public, because it will WRECK their profits…)
Just click that link,
And how to instantly and permanently “reverse” your ED so that you can achieve bulging,
rock-hard erections on command, without pills, pumps or injections.
To discover more about how this can cure your ED and save your sex life,
To reclaiming your manhood,
James Mcguire


HBO Nordic Gratis i 12 månader

                                                                                                                                                                                                                View Online here


Halifax bank PLC on behalf of UNICEF have released your Charity cash
transfer of 76,000,000$ to assist the less privilege and charity
organizations of your choice for a 30% compensation.

Indicate if you are interested in handling this reputable charity
project by providing your Identity & details to this email to commence
this project.


lördag 16 februari 2019

lägger till ånga och storlek.

Hur arbetar Dr. Extenda?

Varje person upplever erektil dysfunktion någon gång i sitt liv. De är ett stort problem, även för män och män.
Samtidigt rapporterar experter som har utfört många vetenskapliga studier, att män som kan skryta med ett
tillfredsställande och rikt sexliv kommer att lyckas inom andra områden, speciellt i yrkeslivet, och är mer manliga
och njuter av mer auktoritet. Tyvärr många Män kan inte njuta av ett framgångsrikt kön, främst på grund av
civilisationens negativa effekter Därför. Det är därför problemet blir allt vanligare och det är nödvändigt att ta bort
det. Även i mat hittar vi kemi för en missgynnad man. Därför måste kemiska ämnen lämnas ute av kraft.
Dess effekt är aggressiv mot kroppen, annars kan det vara tillfälligt. Problemet är förstås att påverka kroppens
sexuella prestanda processer. Detta är möjligt på grund av förberedelsen av Dr Extenda. Endast denna produkt
erbjuder en naturlig och rik komposition med de mest värdefulla afrodisiösa egenskaperna.

yksi ilmainen  paketti täältä

Poista tilaus tästä luettelosta

fredag 15 februari 2019

Få den nya ORAL-B GENIUS 8000

Your email client cannot read this email.
To view it online, please go here:


Oral-B-ersättande elektriska tandborsthuvud
har en professionellt inspirerad design som
omger varje tand. Den dynamiska rörelsen för
3D-rengöringsåtgärder hjälper borsthuvudet
att anpassa sig till dina tänder eftersom
det svänger, roterar och pulserar för att
bryta upp och ta bort upp till 100% mer
plack än en vanlig manuell tandborste.
3DWhite borsthuvudet hjälper till att
ta bort ytfläckar med poleringskoppen,
så att du får vitare tänder från och med
dag 1. Du kan också programmera Oral-B
App med vitningsresan för att förbättra
din borstningsrutin.


[+] 16 graders vinkel rensar djupt mellan tänderna
[+] Friska gummin med Pressure Sensor
[+] Dual Charging & Extra-Long livstid på batteriet

>> more click here

To stop receiving these emailsUnsubscribe me from this list

tisdag 12 februari 2019


Halifax bank PLC on behalf of UNICEF have released your Charity cash
transfer of 76,000,000$ to assist the less privilege and charity
organizations of your choice for a 30% compensation.

Indicate if you are interested in handling this reputable charity project by providing your Identity & details to this email to commence this project.


This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

torsdag 7 februari 2019

Breakthrough in Electric Car Technology Powers An Entire Home

Hey there-

You won't believe what just happened:

A shocking global decision was taken at
Bruxelles and there is no way back at
Rumors say Green Energy will become the
only real currency by 2025.

This Average Joe from Memphis Tennessee figured
out how to harvest this currency from nothing and
become truly independent.

>>> Video Proof Here <<<

Just make sure you watch it with the door locked
and with the sound turned down...

I must admit, as a true Christian and Patriot this
video really sent shivers down my spine...

Plus, more than 37,230 people have already taken
advantage of it.

So grab yours now while it's still out there...
and prepare to learn something amazing!


Best Regards,
Kirby D.


Kirby I. Dean
2705 Black Oak Hollow Road
San Francisco, CA 94143
To unsubscribe from this mailing list, send an email to

tisdag 5 februari 2019

**Shocking Dr. Kemp's 20/20 Vision Breakthrough

Dr. William Kemp has a special announcement to make to you today.
If you follow vision science you know this guy well.
He claims to have unraveled the truth to restoring perfect 20/20 vision at QUANTUM speed...
The best part is that it only takes 7 days. And then you can smash your glasses to hell.
Because it's permanent. No lasers. It's all natural. This really is a "quantum leap" forward in vision science.
So if you wear glasses or if you know someone who wears glasses please visit the link below
To your clear vission,
Dr. Kent
You are receiving this newsletter because you either purchased a
product from us or you signed up for our home remedy newsletter.
The information in this newsletter is for information purposes
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Health News Mail
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Los Angeles, CA 90036 US


söndag 3 februari 2019

Snabba vinster på 5 min

Ett svenskt Casino utan krångel!


Varför komplicera något som egentligen är så enkelt? Hos Voodoo Casino behöver du inte något konto för att spela, utan det är den sanna spelupplevelsen som räknas så kom igång direkt.


Voodoo Casino vill vara snabbast och göra allt så enkelt som möjligt för dig. Det skall gå rasande fort att komma igång och lika snabbt att få dina vinster utbetalda på ditt konto. Inget krångel, inga långa väntetider, utan bara ren och skär spelglädje.


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Önskar du inte få flera erbjudanden kan du avregistrera dig här.